Sea Ducks Mounted By Reimond Grignon
This is the common Goldeneye or Whistler as they are sometimes called. These ducks are very abundant in Maine, especially along the coast. These birds breed throughout the forested areas of southern Canada and all of Maine. They, like the Wood Duck, prefer to nest in natural cavities and nest boxes.
They are a very hardy bird and prefer colder weather than most ducks, being one of the latest fall migrants and can be found in Maine right up till freeze up time. The drake's bill is black and his legs and feet are orange. The hen's bill is dusky gray with a yellowish orange tip. Her feet are yellowish orange also. These game birds are very popular among waterfowl hunters.
birds and animals stay in Maine all winter long. Along our coast are found
many Sea Ducks such as these beautiful Eiders. These large ducks are among
the largest of sea ducks. Along with Old Squaws, Buffleheads, Goldeneyes,
and Scoters, sea duck hunting is a very popular sport during the late
fall months. I mount these birds for people from all over the
world that come to Maine for the hunting season. Eiders are very abundant
along the coast of Maine, numbering in the many thousands. The white and
black bird is the male drake eider. The beautiful mottled brown one is
the female. Most hen ducks are not as colorful as the male. These birds
have been designed by God to have the perfect camouflage as they must
sit on their nests a long time, then raise their chicks.
beautiful Black Ducks are found on almost any river or marsh in Maine.
Their breeding range is scattered over all of eastern Canada and the northeastern
United State's. They migrate south in the winter when the lakes and ponds
freeze. Sexes are almost identical, a trait shared by no other common
duck. Females can be distinguished by the V-shaped markings on their chest
feathers and the mottled olive green bill. The drakes have a more colorful
yellow bill and orange feet. Both sexes have beautiful orange feet They
are a very wary bird and are very difficult to hunt.
There are four races of the common Eider in North America. The easiest way to tell them apart is by the shape of the frontal lobes above the bill, and by the color of the bill. These common American Eiders are rounded and the bill is greenish. The frontal lobes of the drake are a bright yellow. The drake is also a vivid black and white contrast while the hen is a beautiful mottled brown. They are both beautiful birds.
The common American Eider is very abundant along the coast of Maine. It is very difficult to hunt them in this habitat during the gunning season because of the cold weather, rough water, and the sudden storms that occur during the open gunning season on these birds. Many hunters hire a guide who is very familiar with the area before venturing forth to hunt these birds.
I mount lots of eiders like the ones you see here every year. These birds are one of the most beautiful ducks that inhabit Maine. There are thousands of them along our coast. It is not uncommon to see hundreds of these birds rafting together on the open ocean.
This is close up view of the hen common Eider. The mottled brown feathers are very beautiful. They make excellent camouflage when the birds are nesting. Some of the Islands along the Maine coast have hundreds of these birds nesting on them. Sea Gulls prey on the chicks to a very large extent, killing and eating many of the chicks that are hatched every year. Maine has a big problem with an over abundance of sea gulls. The gulls practically wiped out many of Maine shore birds. The fish and wildlife department killed off thousands of gulls a few years ago. We now have a large and growing population of shore birds and ducks although there is still an over abundance of Sea Gulls. There are still way, way too many sea gulls in Maine.
Wood Ducks mounted by Reimond Grignon
The Wood Duck is considered the most beautiful of all waterfowl. Once on the verge of extinction, this bird has made a strong comeback due to sound conservation and a strong reproduction ability. Many hunting clubs and sportsman groups have built and installed Wood Duck nesting boxes in marshes and streams all over the northeast. The birds are now very common in Maine. Thanks should be given to the hunters who have donate so much time and money into buying the lumber and building the thousands of Wood Duck nesting boxes. Not only the building of the boxes but also these boxes are cleaned and fixed up every year by the same individuals. These birds like to nest on fresh bedding each spring.
Ducks are very strong, agile flyers with large square tails for maneuvering
through marshes, and swamps with flooded timber and dead trees. They are
most difficult to hunt in these conditions so most hunters use decoys
which don't always work with these very sharp eyed wary birds.
The vivid colors which distinguish the wood duck are not just in the feathers. The bill and feet are also very beautiful. The birds shown here are all males. The hen is much more of a gray brown color, but the hen is also very pretty.
Harlequin mounts
by Reimond Grignon
The drake Harlequin duck is one of the most beautiful ducks in the world. They love rugged coast lines and remote habitat. They are very abundant in the Northwest but in Maine they are only numbered in the few hundred. These birds are now protected from all hunting in Maine. Harlequins can burst from underwater directly into full flight. This feat cannot be accomplished by any other duck except the Bufflehead.
Geese Mounts by Reimond Grignon
The geese below are more examples which are on display in the small museum located in Palmyra, Maine. Please visit on your trips through the area. You should always call first before coming.